Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Thoughts of a freed man ...

Yes, yes. I am a freed man. Well, in process but at least on the path that is freedom and leads to increased liberation day after day in Christ Jesus. Unlike the world, that moves towards increased bondage with every step. Our path is free, our step are light as we've dropped the weights that hold down the soul so we can run our race with Joy.

Don't worry about the worlders. Don't worry about the sell outs to the world system. They are getting their run around the track right now and even that one they will finish out of breath and in complete misery. They are nothing in the grand scheme of things, soon to be forgotten and disguarded in the pages of eternity. In the not too distant future those who seem important in the eyes of the world will fail to even warrant a mention when their lives fail to pass the litmus test for eternal passage. ONLY that which has been done in Christ will last.

Run your race, enjoy the ride. Be all you can be in the Army of the Lord. And don't be distracted by the meaningless dribble oozing out of the sinking ship of this world system. The drowning man panicks more and more until his ultimate demise, unless he is saved before the inevitable. We offer that hope to those who would recieve it. A way off of the Titanic, if they will just recieve the gift of God; eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.

It is a Good time for God's people. Now is the time that we move into our role in a much stronger way. Our season and our hour is upon us for this round of the Lord's Saints. Those Holy Warriors who know the voice of their Savior and will not follow another. Those who have walked with Him through Hell and high water and remain pursuaded that He is able to do abundaltly above and beyond anything we could ask or think. Truly God is in control. Never forget that amidst the voices of doubters, the fearful and the mockers of this world. Let the dead bury the dead. You just keep following Jesus, day by day, no matter what.

He's got you in the palm of His hand and He will surely see you through everything. Nothing can seperate us from His love. You can walk away of your free will, but if you choose to stay with Him the hordes of Hell cannot move you even an inch away from His love. Nothing is stronger in this universe than the Love of God for you.

Remain in His peace. Don't worry. Get on with it.

In Christ,

The faithmix team