Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Choose Your Company Wisely

Not everyone that wants to join you on your journey is a friend. Not everyone that offers you a helping hand has your best interest at heart. Not everyone that says Lord Lord ... Well, you know that one (Matthew 7).

Another cliche, "you can't judge a book by its cover" is a spin on God's original: "Man looks at the outward appearance, God looks at the Heart." There are those who outwardly appear to be allies on the way, friends on the path. But within (the place where God sees even though they seek to hide it) they are ravenous wolves that at an opportune time would seek to devour a child of God if they have sufficient access.

The most twisted hypocrites don't show up on day one overtly telegraphing their devilish intent. No, they come in slowly. They seek to win your trust. They offer you help in a time of trouble. Not out of a genuine heart expecting nothing in return as God's children do. They offer you assistance, a meal, something, anything as a means to an end. An elaborate trap to unfold with time.

The ultimate goal that they are being demonicly inspired towards is the destruction of the child of God. But they need your permission to do it. They need you to allow them in, to give them access, to grant them your trust.

Much of this is avoidably if a Child of God:
1. Listens and obeys the instructions of the Holy Spirit.
2. Has nothing they desire in the world (otherwise the world has a hook in you).

Most are snared by a hidden love in their heart that is not Christ. I reserved desire, a "secret place", that which is too dear to them to let go. It will kill you. Or rather, it will be the access point for those that will take you to your death (spiritual, natural or both).

You will have no other God but Him. No other way but Him. No other desire but Him. And from that complete and total surrender at the foot of the Cross you will find that all things flow and the life that you lead in this world will come.

Seek nothing for yourself in this world. And be ready and willing to let it all go in a moment at the Word of Christ. If you do not, you are not fit to follow Him. And you will remain where you are, by your choice; Dead, alone, with a few toys and trinkets you got for selling out. And you'll occasionally gather with those who are similar to you and have made the same compromised choice to encourage each other that you are O.K. "We did the right thing ... Right? After all, a man's got to eat? How can i take care of my family? Blah, Blah, Blah ..."

You know in your heart if you are following Him. If you've surrendered all. You also know your hidden motives, secret pleasures, deepest desires ... You think God doesn't see those too? And you think He won't make those known when and where necessary? Don't fool yourself. He knows.

Be real. Be honest. Come into the Light (fully). Drop the dead weights and the parasitic people when God reveals to you who they are. It's not your problem to solve. He is the Savior, not you. If they turn they too can be healed, saved and set free. Again, it's not your problem to solve. You've said your piece. Move on.

Yours is to walk on, following and trusting Jesus. To walk on, alone when necessary (if that is what it feels like to you then call it that and embrace it, this too is the will of God).

All is a gift from Him, even the loneliness. We recieve with grateful hearts what He provides us on this journey. Don't take your eyes off Him for a moment; it's when you do that you begin to sink. If you keep your eyes on Him, trust and obey, you will walk on water all the days of your life.

In Christ,

The faithmix Team


Linda L. said...

Excellent message!