Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Wisdom Of The Fathers

Perhaps one of the greatest blessings of life has been the fact that my parents are real ones. I was born to two wonderful people that were destined to be His. And as they progressed on the path; asking, seeking and knocking for truth they found Christ. Through the years they stayed true to the revelation of who Christ Jesus is, Messiah and Savior. The Lamb of God that came to take away the sins of the world and who was, is and remains the only propitation for our sins and the price that must be paid.

Because my parents stuck it out, stayed together, hung in there when the going got tough and fought to keep Christ the center of our family life, I got as good a start as a young man could ask for. I was certainly given much in the things that are truly important in this life.

I say this to point out the fact that God intended His blessing to flow through the family, through a Godly line. It's also why the devil works so relentlessly to try and break up the family unit. To make men cowards, women controllers, children selfish users, all compromised in as many ways and areas as possible so the fabric of a home tears right down the middle. Part of why i'm where i am today is because my parents didn't go for satan's lie, but they trusted God and did what He said. And they were and are blessed. Plenty of flaws, yes, but they stayed true to the call and kept going.

Just a little reminder to those of you out there to continue to fight for your families. The best thing that you can do for them is to live a consistent Godly life in front of them and be real. Don't make it more complicated than that.

Anyway, recently i was blessed to talk with my godly dad about some of our favorite subject matter: Christ, the walk, Truth, the call in this time, etc. And we got on to the fact that Christ is I AM.

How much of the world system's focus is spent on trying to get you caught up into worrying about the future, or stressed about your past. If you are thinking about the current moment, that your focus is on something external, material and temporal. Christ is I AM, right here and right now. To be ever present is key to the walk in Christ. God is in this moment right now. People (especially worlders) look for Him in the wrong place. He's not in the fire, wind, earthquake ... All of the dramatics. He's in that still small voice. Quiet yourself under His hand. Still yourself. Stop. Listen. Stay. Enjoy His presence. Don't let the world catch you up into it's scripted drama. It's a well designed trap for your mind. Christ's sheep hear His voice. Stop and listen.

As my dad would say "be here now."




Vanita said...

Hi Govinda,
...So true even as I was just preparing myself towards the end of this year...I thought today will be a day to thank God for all that He has been( any amount of thanking Him is not enough) & in my little break I just stumbled on the Blog and saw "Because my parents stayed together, hung in there when the going got tough and fought to keep our family life"!!! reminds me so true, I got a good start as a young woman.God ordained my parents to be the ones to give most things that are important in this life....A reason to be thankful to God....the least that we could give them is our prayers of protection,that smile & joy which straightens up their faces of experience, everytime they look at us.That confidence that we will remain trusting ...And ofcourse the walk of Salvation that will speak into them when they are yet to know.
In all a lesson I learnt as a growing girl and a woman from their equation which can never be substituted...what our fathers took,a father who heads,uncontrolling and selfless mother...but for that, today would be different.Thank God He is on the throne always.
And He still remains forever,And His Voice the Voice of " I AM" will remain above all, inspite of the many blah, blah.. voices of the world .Thank God even for a sensitive thought..
God bless you,