Wednesday, February 2, 2011

What You Can Change And What You Cannot

We've heard it expressed in numerous ways, "You can't change others, the only thing you can change is the way that you respond to them." It's true. This is part of the discipline of the disciple of Christ Jesus. To learn mastery of thyself. To possess your vessel. You present your body a living sacrifice. You are required to do that, I am required do that. (Scriptures calling it your "reasonable service" in Romans 12 essentially means that the least we can do is live holy). The will is involved, the will is engaged.

This is true of our response to others, of our response to this fallen world and all that it does. We have little to no control of all that is going on around us. In fact, there are many seasons where God allows evil to flourish (prior to it's destruction, a time of filling up the cup so to speak). Ours is not to create a utopia on earth, ours is to walk with and serve the King. It begins within. The Kingdom is within.

It is within that you have the ability to make change, it is within where you have the ability to surrender all to the will of God, to the Prince Of Peace. It is within that you can do what you long to see done in the world without. Within you can surrender to God, you can seek to follow Him, you can obey His voice, you can cast down everything that exhalts itself against the knowledge of God. That is also why they work so hard to try and keep you "with-out"; to keep you wrapped up in the external affairs of the day, or fretting about the past or worried and fearful about the future.

To focus on the externals is to get caught up in the trap set for your soul. The battle is for your mind, it is a war for the direction of your thoughts and the intentions of your heart.

You must go within. Go with Christ. Deep calls out to deep. Within is where things change; within is where your will is most powerful. Within is where your destity is shaped.

Go within. Be changed into what God made you to be.

In Christ,

The faithmix Team


Vanita said...

As I read …just felt like writing these thoughts, a prayer, a song or response to God’s calling “within”.
If you can write so powerfully, to encourage….....God bless that heart of yours, which subjects to "I AM" …God bless......

In the conglomerate of this world,yet not of it,
Deep calling to deep.
Lord I surrender my will,my thoughts “I”;
Into your hands…your nail pierced Hands
The safest place to be held within.

For in the depth of your presence;
Shall I be a vessel of Honour.
Unto you Lord, Your name;
For your Glory, reflecting your righteousness

In the heights of your Love ;
Is your Revelation Lord;
Who you are and what you want me to be.
Wrapped up in your arms of Love;a still small voice,
You speak, into the depths of each ripple.

All ability to surrender , you enable from within,
Each Word a Diadem , Lord in your plan;
Your name , a signet ring for every promise
Even as you seal my heart with the diadem and the ring;
I stay anchored upon the Rock-Christ Jesus
