You and I are NOT the Savior! You and I are not the ones to Fix the world. We live in a time of false Saviors (false Messiahs), those who stand up and seek to draw followers after themselves in their humanity. No no NO! They have nothing if they don't have Jesus. Fluff and window dressing wrapped up in a Public Relations bow. Hollow.
We are Ambassadors! Ambassadors of the Truth, Ambassadors of the Light, Ambassadors of His Purposes in the earth at such a time as this. Though we walk and move in His power we are not the source. The only reason we have anything is because we are connected to the source through the Spirit/Cross/Blood/Name of Jesus! He is all and in all and flows through all. He works in yielded vessels. Those who have surrendered their free will to the True Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Beware of Man, those who would try to come and make you something that you are not. As you reflect His Glory they seek to lift you up. Remember your place. We are servants of the most High God. It is the folly of Lucifer to seek to ascend beyond God's role and plan for you. You're out of position. And when you are out of position with God you are no longer connected to the source. You are now among the crowd of those who seek to "fake it till they make it" ... However, they never really make it (and they know it, though they'd never tell you or you wouldn't buy their books, tapes, religious wares).
Stay in Step with Jesus. Stay in position. Let it all be what it is. Live a life of connection to the source and for those who would care and that He would draw, point them to the Source for themselves. He is a limitless source, life for all that would come to Him and drink the waters of Life. As an ambassador we have the joy of pointing the way. You are not the way. Point to the Way to Him and keep moving.
In Christ,
The faithmix team
P.S. If you've never heard it, click "Hear the Good News" at the top of the page. God bless you.
Good message! An ambassador represents someone else, not him/herself. Glad you've gotten into blogging again. God bless you and your family and keep you safe.
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