It's that strange unsettled feeling inside the core of a true saint of the living God. Just as we are granted Peace within when the world around us (the external world) is seemingly falling apart, there is the otherside as well. That strange unsettled feeling within, restlessness, uneasiness, when all around you is seemingly fine and under control. Bizarre. We don't function the same way as the world does. We don't move on their clock. We move as the Spirit leads. As He has us go forth into His will at His timing. While anytime is fine for them, God has His perfect timing for all things among His people.
When you feel unsettled, it is a good thing. Though it may feel like a burr under your saddle it is God's way of stirring you within. It's the same stirring that caused Abram to leave his father's house and set out into what God had called him for.
To ignore the unsettling is to ignore the Spirit stirring you. Settle yourself under His presence and seek his face for direction. You want His will. You need His will. It is your food, to do the will of the Father. To ignore His will is to starve your spirit.
Watch for the traps along the way. Those "it's o.k. to stop here" or "... God couldn't really mean that." and the like. They come from well meaning people that are often close to you. They would have you save your life; to live to fight another day. But God would have you follow Him into the Lion's den, knowing that He who took you in there can also bring you back out. And like the Hebrew boys said in Daniel chapter 3, even if He doesn't spare us we still won't bow. We will not seek to save our bodies at the cost of our souls. It is a fools trade that most make because they know not God, nor do they trust in Him.
You are made for Him. Walk in that calling and in His Passion. Blessings to you.
In Christ,
The faithmix team
Thank you for this word, I was just listening to your audios Prepare to Die and those are must hear messages for these times. This is an area I've been working on facing issues of mortality as I get older and I just felt the Lord's peace moving through these messages and this writing is something I needed to hear as a followup to what you said on Brother Z's show last week. Thank you! Blessings and prayers, Natalie
Thanks for this message. We do need to listen to the unsettling feeling and see if it is from the Holy Spirit, or looking at worldly things.
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