One nice thing about Truth, it never changes. It remains constant, consistent, eternal. When you tell the Truth you never have to remember what you said last. There is a glorious freedom in being a person of Truth.
It sucks to be a liar. They create different grades too in partial hopes of easing a searing conscious: White lies, Black lies, a fib, Spin, information management, la la la la la ...
Why does it suck to be a liar? Well, first off the Devil is your father (he's known as the father of lies). We know that Christ wins in the end, so that makes the liar the son or daughter of a loser. That sucks. Talk about bad genetics.
Secondly, a liar live in a world of shifting sands. Nothing is real, nothing is consistent, reality is based on a "perception of truth" and not on actual Truth. Just wait till you have to make an important decision when you choose to live and be a participant in a world like that. You can't make a good decision because in order to make a good decision you need the right information. And if what you have are various forms of lies and spin and you can't tell the difference because your heart is not tuned to the frequency of Truth ... Well, it's best for those people to not leave the house. Never give a liar any responsibility, you're guaranteed they will screw up. What else can you expect from the son of a loser.
Third reason it sucks to be a liar; the company you have to keep. People of Truth don't mix for long with liars least they be tainted. Truth lovers move on to where there is Truth. They leave liars where they are. Consequentally, liars are left to hang out with other liars. And liars suck as friends, but if you are one that is what you'll be stuck with as your company. And when it's all based on perception in those circles you'd better not ever get old, sick, wane in worldly power or die. If you do you are screwed.
Fourth reason it sucks to be a liar; you'll never have any peace ... ever. Internal peace, external peace, forget it. Your life will just be one churning, froth filled mess. NOTE: There is a group of people who have a physiological, chemical addiction to their existence being like that. But if there is any part of you that hopes for peace in life know you'll never find it in the company of liars or if you are one yourself.
There is such a beautiful simplicity and amazing peace in being a person of Truth. Jesus is the way, the TRUTH, and the life (John 14:6). Remain in Him, remain in Truth. Reject the lies and have no part. Let the liars continue to suck. People of Truth, You rock!
In Christ,
The faithmix Team
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