Saturday, June 26, 2010

Crazy pills

Yep, that seems like what most of the world has been taking. Crazy pills :-) To the worlders White is black, dark is light, evil is called good, bondage is called freedom, fools are called intellectuals ... You get the idea.

When you flip everything to it's opposite from the garbage they try to sell you things start making sense. Reality is actually much simpler than most people allow for it to be.

There are really only two kinds of people in this world. Those who Know Him (Father, Yahweh, Jesus the Christ), and those who do not. The manifestations of those two groups of people takes on many different shapes and forms across nations and people groups around the world, but they ultimately have one of two bases from which all lives are built. Houses built on the Rock which is Christ Jesus, or houses built on the sands of this world and it's pathetic system.

Alas, be grateful my dear brothers and sisters that Christ Jesus saved you! That He brought out of a meaningless life and give you real reason for existing. You have Life in Him! You have purpose and reason for being in Him. Life beyond the perpetuation of the same old tired dead world system, a house of cards at best soon to be blown down with a simple breath of God. Their system folds, and when it goes down it goes down ugly. Meanwhile, God's kingdom continues to grow and fill the whole earth unto a glorious beautiful eternal creation that starts from within. You are part of His Kingdom, allow Him to manifest Himself fully through you by your free will. Turn your life over to Him completely and ask Him to have His way.

"Your Kingdom Come, Your will be done ..."

Come Lord Jesus,

The faithmix team