Sunday, July 11, 2010

Innocence, Peace, Truth, Love

Never forget friends that the battle the world fights is for your mind, your thoughts and your volition (free will decision in your heart of hearts). Accordingly, when you know the game afoot by the system that is the sworn enemy of your soul (and of our Lord Jesus Christ) you can take deliberate steps to safeguard your soul and fight the good fight of faith.

Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. And out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Basically what is in you will come out, so focus on making sure that what's in you is aligned with the Kingdom and focused on Him. Since the Kingdom is within (Luke 17:20-21) the world will do all it can to keep you "without" distracted by the cares, riches, pleasures, ... whatever your flavor may be that you are willing to buy consistently.

So, with all the bombardment surrounding you what can you do? For starters, chose this day whom you will serve (Jesus or the World/Devil). Matthew 7 is a frightful thing, so word of advice there; don't lie to yourself or allow yourself to live under a strong delusion. Ask God "... Lord, if I'm missing it would you please show me." Best to find out on this side so you can patch it up if necessary.

For those walking on the right path and following Jesus. As you let Him take you within amidst the journey of life focus on: Innocence, Peace, Truth, Love.

You can't enter the Kingdom (within) unless you accept it like a child in relationship to their Father. It is what it is, you take it as it comes, your every desire is to just be with Him and you have no agenda. A child is not thinking of career, bills, the end of the world, etc. Leave those cares without and just enter in trusting Him. Innocence is found in giving yourself over completely to the will of the Father and accepting/desiring His will above all.

A sea of glass within amidst the external storms of life is what Jesus promised those who would follow Him His way. You can have that for your entire journey in this life. But know that the world will seek to rob you of your peace and force the outside world which they can affect into the inner world of your heart which they cannot affect without your personal consent. Guard your heart and your focus for out of it comes the issues of life.

Jesus is Truth (John 14:6) and His people are people of Truth. Seek the Truth, don't eat the lies (don't allow yourself to take them in). This calls not only for a heart that desires Truth in the inner most parts of your being, but also for discernment and a spiritual filter that you run things through. God gives Truth to those who love and desire it, to the rest He gives a strong delusion.

It's a Kingdom of Love. God is Love. All the commandments are summed up in Love. Love conquerors all! Love Him with ALL your heart, soul, mind and strength. And Love your neighbor as yourself. Love your enemies, pray for those who persecute you and use you. Hold no bitterness or unforgiveness in your Heart. Let it go and leave it without so that you can enter the Kingdom within and walk with Jesus. Shackles off, free and clear to be what God made you to be.

Life is a gift, it is meant to be lived to the full in Him.

Blessings in Christ,

The faithmix team