Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Counter Strike

Ah yes, the turnaround. We love it! It's not all the time getting shot down, kicked around, beaten and left for dead. Whenever God feels like it His Spirit rises up in us and in a moment reminds our enemies and the entire World System that Greater is He that is in us than he that is in the world.

In a moment He dumbfounds them all. And it just takes a moment, just one incident to knock over their entire house of cards. While they labor and strive against the children of God with deliberate and diabolical schemes hatched in the realm of the demonic, in just a moment in can all come to naught. Remember Daniel in the Lions den? The wicked thought they had it all figured out. They had dotted their "I"s and crossed their "T"s. The one factor that the wicked men who plotted against Daniel never counted on was God having something to say about it.

And God didn't have to do much. He just told His angel to keep the lions mouths shut for the night. Oh, the lions would get fed soon enough!! God feeds the lions, the birds, and those who seek first the Kingdom and His righteousness. He takes care of His own. The wicked ALWAYS reap what they have sown.

The realization of the true state of affairs often comes for the saints of God when they are in their darkest hour. It is at that time when they continue to look to God and He moves, and the Light breaks forth, THEN they understand!

It's all good in Jesus. Don't worry about a thing! Down for a moment but God's people are never out. Whereas the wicked are laid low in a moment and they never recover. Wicked Be Warned: You cross the wrong one, if you cross one marked for God you have a date with the lions ... and they've gotten really hungry overnight. The moment you realize what you've done is the moment when your scheme collapsed and you are hurtling to your cowardly death screaming in fear. You crossed a true child of God, playing a game with your soul and you lost.

Oops! ;-)

In Christ,

The faithmix Team